By Yongsoo Park

ISBN-10: 1888451246

ISBN-13: 9781888451245

The newest installment within the Akashic city Surreal series.

Boy Genius is a strong identification satire, the picaresque odyssey of a kid looking to avenge the wrongs perpetrated on his mom and dad. Park’s genius, born into the turmoil of post-war Korea, is used as a puppet through the South Korean government—before being banished to the United States. From a distant long island urban ghetto, the boy wages a clandestine guerilla warfare opposed to all symbols of authority. Park renders his imaginative and prescient of late-20th-century international tradition with the daring, surreal strokes of Pynchon and the wild political sensibilities of Godard; the painful, mostly unmapped narrative territory of Boy Genius creates a gripping, harrowing read.

Yongsoo Park is a Korean-American author and autonomous film-maker residing in big apple City.

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Boy Genius by Yongsoo Park

by John

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