By Ken Mondschein

ISBN-10: 0816079633

ISBN-13: 9780816079636

ISBN-10: 0816079854

ISBN-13: 9780816079858

one of many fastest-growing fields within the American financial system, schooling is key to the country's destiny prosperity. however it can be an present process consistent switch. that allows you to prevail, schooling pros needs to stay alongside of advancements in know-how, criteria, and legislations. schooling examines private and non-private schooling for grades okay via 12 and postsecondary schooling, in addition to nontraditional task percentages for educators. It discusses the possibilities and matters linked to operating in schooling and the way to devise for a profitable occupation. Written in transparent and obtainable language, this new source is stuffed with worthy assistance, an in depth thesaurus of jargon, and extra resources.

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Education (Ferguson Career Launcher) by Ken Mondschein

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