By Danny Calegari

ISBN-10: 0198570082

ISBN-13: 9780198570080

This distinct reference, geared toward examine topologists, provides an exposition of the 'pseudo-Anosov' conception of foliations of 3-manifolds. This thought generalizes Thurston's idea of floor automorphisms and divulges an intimate connection among dynamics, geometry and topology in three dimensions. major issues lower back to during the textual content contain the significance of geometry, particularly the hyperbolic geometry of surfaces, the significance of monotonicity, particularly in 1-dimensional and co-dimensional dynamics, and combinatorial approximation, utilizing finite combinatorical gadgets similar to train-tracks, branched surfaces and hierarchies to hold extra advanced non-stop objects.

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Foliations and the Geometry of 3-Manifolds (Oxford Mathematical Monographs) by Danny Calegari

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