By L. Alkaersig,K. Beukal,T. Reichstein,Karin Beukel

ISBN-10: 1137469528

ISBN-13: 9781137469526

ISBN-10: 1349500534

ISBN-13: 9781349500536

This ebook explores how the complete toolbox of highbrow estate (IP) security and administration are effectively mixed and the way organizations generate price from IP. It presents a framework of archetypes which agencies may be capable of self-identify with and to be able to permit businesses to target the IP and IP administration matters such a lot suitable to them.

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This publication explores how the complete toolbox of highbrow estate (IP) safety and administration are effectively mixed and the way organisations generate worth from IP. It offers a framework of archetypes which companies should be capable of self-identify with and in an effort to enable businesses to target the IP and IP administration matters so much proper to them.

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Intellectual Property Rights Management: Rookies, Dealers and Strategists by L. Alkaersig,K. Beukal,T. Reichstein,Karin Beukel

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