By W.T. Ingram,William S. Mahavier

ISBN-10: 1461417961

ISBN-13: 9781461417965

ISBN-10: 1493900749

ISBN-13: 9781493900749

Inverse limits offer a robust software for developing advanced areas from easy ones. They also flip the examine of a dynamical procedure which include an area and a self-map right into a examine of a (likely extra complex) house and a self-homeomorphism. In 4 chapters in addition to an appendix containing historical past fabric the authors improve the speculation of inverse limits. The book begins with an creation via inverse limits on [0,1] prior to relocating to a common remedy of the topic. distinct subject matters in continuum conception entire the book. even though it isn't a ebook on dynamics, the impression of dynamics may be obvious all through; for example, it comprises experiences of inverse limits with maps from households of maps which are of curiosity to dynamicists corresponding to the logistic and the tent families.

This e-book will function an invaluable connection with graduate scholars and researchers in continuum idea and dynamical structures. Researchers operating in utilized components who're researching inverse limits of their paintings also will take advantage of this booklet.

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Inverse Limits: From Continua to Chaos: 25 (Developments in Mathematics) by W.T. Ingram,William S. Mahavier

by William

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