By William Stoddart

ISBN-10: 1597310883

ISBN-13: 9781597310888

The guiding concept of this ebook has been to collect jointly sayings, maxims, and aphorisms, which, in a few admire or different are of profound and everlasting non secular price. furthermore, the web has been forged large, with the outcome that the chosen goods are tremendous variegated; for, within the current age, protecting dividing partitions have crumbled; the full global has develop into our parish, and our gaze needs to now be common. The quotations the following provided have been amassed in the course of the process a life-time. each one citation was once hand-picked for a specific objective, and something deemed superfluous was once excluded. clever and priceless quotations are after all unending, yet a range is what it's and, faraway from being arbitrary, this anthology, taken as a complete, quantities to a succinct, yet robust, confirmation of "the actual, the great, and the Beautiful". this can be its purpose-and may well it endure fruit.

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Invincible Wisdom: Quotations from the Scriptures, Saints, and Sages of All Times and Places by William Stoddart

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