By Lawrence E. Harrison

ISBN-10: 081089629X

ISBN-13: 9780810896291

ISBN-10: 1442219637

ISBN-13: 9781442219632

Multiculturalism—the trust that no tradition is best or worse than the other; it truly is in simple terms different—has come to dominate Western highbrow proposal and to function a consultant to family and overseas coverage and improvement relief. yet what if multiculturalism itself is defective? What if a few cultures are extra vulnerable to growth than others and extra profitable at growing the cultural capital that encourages democratic governance, social justice for all, and the removal of poverty? In Jews, Confucians, and Protestants: Cultural Capital and the top of Multiculturalism, Lawrence E. Harrison takes the politically improper stand that now not all cultures are created both. reading the functionality of 117 international locations, grouped by way of essential faith, Harrison argues for the prevalence of these cultures that emphasize Jewish, Confucian, or Protestant values. A concluding bankruptcy outlines ways that cultural switch can considerably remodel societies inside of a iteration.

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Jews, Confucians, and Protestants: Cultural Capital and the End of Multiculturalism by Lawrence E. Harrison

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