By Claire Elise Katz

ISBN-10: 0253216249

ISBN-13: 9780253216243

ISBN-10: 025334302X

ISBN-13: 9780253343024

Challenging earlier interpretations of Levinas that gloss over his use of the female or exhibit how he overlooks questions raised through feminists, Claire Elise Katz explores the strong and efficient hyperlinks among the female and faith in Levinas’s paintings. instead of viewing the female as a metaphor with out importance for girls or as a method to enhance conventional stereotypes, Katz is going past questions of sexual distinction to arrive a extra profound knowing of the function of the female in Levinas’s belief of moral accountability. She combines feminist interpretations of Levinas with interpretations that target his Jewish writings to bare that the female offers a massive bridge among his philosophy and his Judaism. Katz’s examining of Levinas’s belief of the female opposed to the backdrop of discussions of girls of the Hebrew bible issues to big shifts in modern philosophy towards the production of existence and take care of the other.

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Levinas, Judaism, and the Feminine: The Silent Footsteps of Rebecca (Indiana Series in the Philosophy of Religion) by Claire Elise Katz

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