By Peter Kronheimer,Tomasz Mrowka

ISBN-10: 0521184762

ISBN-13: 9780521184762

ISBN-10: 052188022X

ISBN-13: 9780521880220

Originating with Andreas Floer within the Nineteen Eighties, Floer homology has proved to be an efficient instrument in tackling many very important difficulties in 3- and 4-dimensional geometry and topology. This 2007 publication presents a finished therapy of Floer homology, in accordance with the Seiberg–Witten monopole equations. After first supplying an outline of the consequences, the authors improve the analytic houses of the Seiberg–Witten equations, assuming just a simple grounding in differential geometry and research. The Floer teams of a normal three-manifold are then outlined and their houses studied intimately. ultimate chapters are dedicated to the calculation of Floer teams and to functions of the idea in topology. appropriate for starting graduate scholars and researchers, this ebook presents a whole dialogue of a crucial a part of the learn of the topology of manifolds.

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Monopoles and Three-Manifolds (New Mathematical Monographs) by Peter Kronheimer,Tomasz Mrowka

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