By Ricardo Falla,Richard N. Adams,Philip Berryman

ISBN-10: 0292725329

ISBN-13: 9780292725324

Since the arriving of the Spanish within the 16th century, the Maya inhabitants of Guatemala has been compelled to evolve to awesome demanding situations. below colonial rule, the Indians needed to adapt adequate to meet the Spanish whereas resisting these adjustments now not precious for survival, making use of their knowing of the area to the realities they faced day-by-day. regardless of the key alterations wrought of their lifestyle through centuries of submission, the Maya have controlled to regenerate, and hence retain, their self-identity.

Among the foremost demanding situations they've got confronted has been the imposition of out of doors religions. Quiché Rebelde examines what occurred while Acción Católica got here into the Guatemalan municipio of San Antonio Ilotenango, Quiché, to transform its inhabitants.

Ricardo Falla, a Guatemalan Jesuit priest and anthropologist, analyzes the movement's origins and why a few humans turned a part of it whereas others resisted. He indicates how faith was once used as one other software to readapt to the altering environment—natural, monetary, political, and social. His paintings is the 1st significant empirical research of the way switch happened in a Maya neighborhood without critical lack of Maya identity—and how the method of conversion is expounded to extra common techniques of cultural swap that really boost ethnic identity.

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Quiché Rebelde: Religious Conversion, Politics, and Ethnic Identity in Guatemala (Translations from Latin America Series) by Ricardo Falla,Richard N. Adams,Philip Berryman

by Paul

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