By Brad S. Gregory

ISBN-10: 0062471171

ISBN-13: 9780062471178

ISBN-10: 006247118X

ISBN-13: 9780062471185

ISBN-10: 1538454149

ISBN-13: 9781538454145

On the five hundredth anniversary of the Reformation comes this compelling, illuminating, and expansive non secular background that examines the advanced and accidental legacies of Martin Luther and the epochal flow that keeps to form the realm today.

For 5 centuries, Martin Luther has been lionized as an outspoken and fearless icon of swap who ended the center a long time and heralded the start of the fashionable global. In Rebel within the Ranks, Brad Gregory, popular professor of ecu historical past at Notre Dame, recasts this long-accepted portrait. Luther didn't intend to begin a revolution that will divide the Catholic Church and without end switch Western civilization. but his activities may profoundly form our international in methods he may possibly by no means have imagined.

Gregory analyzes Luther’s inadvertent function in beginning the Reformation and the epochal alterations that undefined. He unearths how Luther’s insistence at the Bible because the sole authority for Christian fact ended in conflicting interpretations of its meaning—and to the increase of competing church buildings, political conflicts, and social upheavals. eventually, he contends, a number of the significant historic and cultural advancements that arose in its wake—including the Enlightenment, person self-determination and ethical relativism, and a non secular freedom that protects one’s correct to worship or maybe to reject religion—would have appalled Luther: a reluctant progressive, a insurgent within the ranks, whose objective was once to make society extra Christian, but as a substitute set the area on fire.

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Rebel in the Ranks: Martin Luther, the Reformation, and the Conflicts That Continue to Shape Our World by Brad S. Gregory

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