By Anselm K. Min

ISBN-10: 0268035342

ISBN-13: 9780268035341

In Rethinking the Medieval Legacy for modern Theology, six distinct theologians bridge medieval and modern theologies by means of constructing the theological importance of medieval insights in keeping with modern matters. Their nuanced readings of medieval texts, prolonged to significant theological problems with our time, offer examples of the retrieval of the medieval culture, a necessary a part of any modern theological reconstruction. Barbara Newman extends the theology of perichoresis or mutual indwelling to light up the connection among donor and recipient on the subject of organ transplants; Marilyn McCord Adams applies insights approximately divine friendship to the perennial factor of horrendous evil; and Kevin Madigan brings ideas of medieval exegesis to undergo at the modern ancient severe method of biblical interpretation. Ingolf U. Dalferth applies insights from the doctrine of divine omnipotence and production ex nihilo to deconstruct Heidegger’s challenge of the chances of genuine life to ancient facticity. Pim Valkenberg explores the chances of a theological come upon among Christianity and Islam within the works of Aquinas and Nicholas of Cusa; and Anselm ok. Min applies the analogical insights of Aquinas at the nature and boundaries of human wisdom of God to a critique of up to date theologies that declare to grasp both too little or an excessive amount of approximately God.

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Rethinking the Medieval Legacy for Contemporary Theology by Anselm K. Min

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