By George González

ISBN-10: 0739180851

ISBN-13: 9780739180853

Shape-Shifting Capital: non secular administration, serious concept, and the Ethnographic Project is located on the intersection of anthropology, serious idea, and philosophy of faith. First, González explores the phenomena of “workplace spirituality” in a language that's available to a basic readership. Taking modern traits in organizational administration as a case examine, he argues, when it comes to an in depth ethnographic learn of practitioners of place of work spirituality, that the conceptual and institutional obstacles among faith, technological know-how, and capitalism are being redrawn via theologized administration appropriations of tropes borrowed from creativity conception and quantum mechanics. moment, González makes a case for a severe anthropology of faith that mixes existential issues for biography and intentionality with poststructuralist matters for energy, arguing that the ways that the personalization of metaphor bridges own and social histories additionally is helping lead to broader epistemic shifts in society. ultimately, in a postsecular age within which capitalism itself is explicitly and optimistically “spiritual,” González means that it really is central to reorient our severe energies in the direction of a gift day overview of postmodern capitalism’s boundary-blurring. González additional argues that the type of “existential deconstruction” played by way of what he calls “existential archeology” can serve the wishes of any social feedback of neoliberal “religion” and company spirituality.

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Shape-Shifting Capital: Spiritual Management, Critical Theory, and the Ethnographic Project by George González

by George

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