By Simon Springer

ISBN-10: 0816697728

ISBN-13: 9780816697724

ISBN-10: 0816697736

ISBN-13: 9780816697731

The Anarchist Roots of Geography units the level for an intensive politics of probability and freedom via a dialogue of the insurrectionary geographies that suffuse our day-by-day reviews. through embracing anarchist geographies as kaleidoscopic spatialities that let for nonhierarchical connections among self sufficient entities, Simon Springer configures a brand new political imagination.

Experimentation in and during house is the tale of humanity’s position on this planet, and the stasis and keep watch over that now supersede ongoing organizing experiments are an affront to our survival. Singular ontological modes that desire one specific manner of doing issues disavow geography through failing to appreciate the spatial as a mutable assemblage in detail absolute to temporality. Even worse, such stagnant principles frequently align to the parochial pursuits of an elite minority and thereby threaten to be our collective undoing. what's wanted is the improvement of recent relationships with our global and, crucially, with every one other. 

By infusing our geographies with anarchism we unharness a spirit of uprising that foregoes a politics of looking forward to swap to return on the behest of elected leaders and in its place engages new probabilities of mutual reduction via direct motion now. we will be able to now not settle for the decaying, archaic geographies of hierarchy that chain us to statism, capitalism, gender domination, racial oppression, and imperialism. We needs to reorient geographical considering in the direction of anarchist horizons of probability. Geography needs to turn into beautiful, in which the whole thing of its include is aligned to emancipation.

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The Anarchist Roots of Geography: Toward Spatial Emancipation by Simon Springer

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