By Tom Sorell

ISBN-10: 0521410193

ISBN-13: 9780521410199

ISBN-10: 0521422442

ISBN-13: 9780521422444

It used to be as a political philosopher that Thomas Hobbes first got here to prominence, and it's as a political theorist that he's such a lot studied this day. but the variety of his writings extends way past morals and politics. Hobbes had distinct perspectives in metaphysics and epistemology, and wrote approximately such topics as historical past, legislation, and faith. He additionally produced full-scale treatises in physics, optics, and geometry. All of those parts are coated during this spouse, such a lot in huge element. the amount additionally displays the multidisciplinary nature of present Hobbes scholarship through drawing jointly views which are now being built in parallel by way of philosophers, historians of technological know-how and arithmetic, highbrow historians, political scientists, and literary theorists.

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The Cambridge Companion to Hobbes (Cambridge Companions to Philosophy) by Tom Sorell

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