By Basil A Coronakis

ISBN-10: 1547065400

ISBN-13: 9781547065400

what's the ecu Commission?
It is the main refined and the least obvious administrative computer on the earth. it really is serf-reproducing, with tax-free salaries past myth, unaccountable and with discretionary powers to violate ideas and legislation at will. this is often the `European fee, which with none political legitimization, principles over you and over one other part billion Europeans, along with your money.
The division of Propaganda of the fee, formally often called the Directorate normal of communique and Spokesperson carrier (DG COM), is its black gap. It spends billions and, less than the pretext of information safety, no one understands the way it does. now not even the eu Parliament, not to mention the Member States.

Here’s only one instance. In mid-December, any December of any yr, DG COM indicators a freelance to shop for subscriptions worthy €57,000. because the volume is less than the €60,000 point, no delicate is needed. If a citizen asks for the agreement (Regulation 1049/2001), the fee will liberate the identify of the bene ciary and the full quantity. but, claiming “protection of industrial secrets”, it's going to now not divulge the period of the contract.

Why? as the € 57,000 of the agreement corresponds to subscription providers for the final weeks of the yr. Subscription contracts are continually stipulated on a calendar 12 months basis.

In the subsequent years, the agreement might be renewed (or no longer, reckoning on the habit of the bene ciary) each January, for the total yr (52 weeks). even if the whole quantity (€1,482,000) exceeds by means of a long way the brink of €60,000 requiring a young approach to be introduced, there'll be no smooth. certainly, it is going to be just a agreement renewal no longer requiring any tender.

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The Deep State of Europe: Requiem for a Dream by Basil A Coronakis

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