By Fredrick Finch

ISBN-10: 1481996207

ISBN-13: 9781481996204

The "elephant" relates to difficulties which are too vast to proceed to disregard. plucky contributors of an alternate political approach got down to conquer difficulties just like those who confound present day legislators who're afraid or unwilling to confront them, clear up them, or maybe admit that they exist. The hapless Abe is helped and impeded through robust ladies who're fanatics, neighbors, and fiends. those girls are allies, warriors, and adversaries yet all are as shiny as a basket of sunshine bulbs and as inventive as squirrels considering a yard poultry feeder. In Congress, Abe and Becky try and craft laws to confound jihadists, union goons, envirokooks, and criminals whereas terrorists test, each day, to blow them up or differently placed them out of the company of fixing difficulties corresponding to these we are facing this present day or may possibly face sooner or later. The characters during this tale evolve in ways in which stunned even the writer yet they signify ladies of the ideal, left, and much out. this is often Fred's moment novel. His first used to be, "Starry Nights: tales of the times with Jesus." One is political, the opposite is spiritual. extra distinctive novels have seldom been written by way of one author.

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The Elephant in the Phone Booth by Fredrick Finch

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