By James Hollandsworth

ISBN-10: 0996359605

ISBN-13: 9780996359603

quickly life’s pilgrimage will finish. All kids of God will face Jesus at His Judgment Seat. Will or not it's an awards podium, with a few receiving extra rewards, a few much less? What approximately adverse gift? Is chance? if this is the case, what does it recommend approximately how we must always dwell our lives the following and now?
The writer offers with the principally missed doctrine of rewards, caution from the Scriptures that our Judgment Seat verdict (positive or unfavorable) will make sure our position in His country. He addresses a number of hard questions, corresponding to …

•How is salvation of the soul distinct from salvation of the spirit?
•When Jesus warned, “What shall it revenue a guy, if he shall achieve the full international, and lose his personal soul?” used to be He talking to the misplaced or to the saved?
•Will all believers have equivalent status within the age to come?
•Does Outer Darkness particularly check with Hell or may possibly it have a concerning saints?
•Are all young ones of God immediately incorporated as a part of Christ’s bride?
•Who will rule and reign with Christ?
•Who are the overcomers within the New testomony and to whom do the rewards for overcomers apply?
•How will we arrange to fulfill Jesus and listen to the phrases, good done?

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The End of the Pilgrimage: Your Judgment Seat Verdict and How it Determines Your Place in His Kingdom by James Hollandsworth

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