By Paul Knox,John A Agnew,Linda Mccarthy

ISBN-10: 0415831288

ISBN-13: 9780415831284

ISBN-10: 1444184709

ISBN-13: 9781444184709

The Geography of the area Economy offers an in-depth and stimulating creation to the globalization of the area economic system. The publication deals a attention of neighborhood, neighborhood, nationwide and international fiscal improvement over the lengthy historic time period. the idea and perform of financial and political geography supply a foundation for figuring out the interactions inside and one of the constructed and constructing international locations of the area. Illustrated in colour all through, this re-creation has been thoroughly transformed and up to date to take account of contemporary major adjustments on the earth economy.

A new spouse site additionally accompanies the ebook, with extra assets for every bankruptcy together with a number of selection and brief essay questions and hyperlinks to suitable web pages. Figures and tables also are to be had for obtain situated at

The textual content is signposted all through with an word list of keywords, and is richly illustrated with full-color maps, diagrams and illustrations. it truly is perfect for top point collage undergraduates and for post-graduates in various specializations together with geography, economics, political technology, diplomacy and worldwide studies.

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The Geography of the World Economy by Paul Knox,John A Agnew,Linda Mccarthy

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