By Barrett O'Neill

ISBN-10: 0486493423

ISBN-13: 9780486493428

ISBN-10: 1568810199

ISBN-13: 9781568810195

This targeted monograph through a famous UCLA professor examines intimately the maths of Kerr black holes, which own the homes of mass and angular momentum yet hold no electric cost. compatible for complex undergraduates and graduate scholars of arithmetic, physics, and astronomy in addition to expert physicists, the self-contained therapy constitutes an creation to trendy options in differential geometry.
The textual content starts with a considerable bankruptcy delivering heritage at the arithmetic wanted for the remainder of the publication. next chapters emphasize actual interpretations of geometric homes reminiscent of curvature, geodesics, isometries, absolutely geodesic submanifolds, and topological constitution. additional investigations conceal relativistic options equivalent to causality, Petrov variety, optical scalars, and the Goldberg-Sachs theorem. 4 valuable appendixes complement the text.

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The Geometry of Kerr Black Holes (Dover Books on Physics) by Barrett O'Neill

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