By Peter Goodgame

ISBN-10: 1910220124

ISBN-13: 9781910220122

the subsequent examine will have a look at the background of the quarter that the US has turn into entangled in, a zone that was once, and to a point nonetheless is, nearly completely managed by way of Britain. is that this present “War On Terror” actually a warfare to convey freedom to the quarter and to advertise conventional American beliefs, or is it a power-play to solidify international American hegemony? And what does Britain need to gain?

Britain seems to be our best best friend however it has to be understood that British geo-strategists are the masters of political manipulation and subversion. whilst the actual British colonial empire used to be declining within the first 1/2 this century they have been already construction the framework for a very international empire in keeping with the legacy of Cecil Rhodes using the assets of the super-capitalists and financiers of recent York and London. those elites could be predominantly British and American in nationality, yet they reject democracy and the yankee structure and paintings opposed to the easiest pursuits of British, American and foreign electorate. by way of learning the background of the center East, and the elitist manipulation of it, we will might be are expecting what's to come back after this final ultimate push of the yank Empire.

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The Globalists & the Islamists: Fomenting the "Clash of Civilizations" for a New World Order by Peter Goodgame

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