By Douglas Courtney

ISBN-10: 1973702762

ISBN-13: 9781973702764

Dr. Thomas Cordray is a author, theologist, professor and political junkie. He analyzes, dissects, and studies political campaigns for you to comprehend politics, politicians and the folk that vote for them. He even places his theories into perform, operating 5 occasions for workplace and wasting whenever. he's the "Losing Candidate".

Dr. Cordray's spouse Rhonda is simply as concerned, curious, and extreme in politics. yet she has taken one other street of motives, committees, nonprofits, and grass roots activism to precise her efforts. jointly Thomas and Rhonda have attempted to higher their neighborhood, their kingdom, and their kingdom even if nobody turns out to care.

Frank Watson is likely one of the movers and shakers at the back of a centuries previous left leaning imagine tank. the new election of an ignorant, unskilled, plutocrat through the yankee humans have destroyed years of plans, efforts, and paintings to globalize the rustic and get ready it for management within the new century. as a way to fix and regroup his starting place is seeking any answer, any wish to revive the honour of the Presidency and the desire for the longer term. A reference in an vague tome written via an unknown professor solves a lingering challenge. Franks efforts to bare the id of the writer reveals a committed guy that has truly participated in politics. yet he has consistently misplaced each race he has each run. Have Frank and his starting place chanced on the fellow to revive their fortunes? Can they really get this wasting candidate elected? If he's elected, can he carry the rustic nearer jointly. Can this guy, this unmarried guy, breach the divide, avert a narcissistic, egoistic, guy baby and convey the folk again into their govt? fairly a tall order for a wasting Candidate.

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The Losing Candidate by Douglas Courtney

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