By Yasunori Fujii,Kei-ichi Maeda

ISBN-10: 0521037522

ISBN-13: 9780521037525

ISBN-10: 0521811597

ISBN-13: 9780521811590

The scalar-tensor concept of gravitation is likely one of the hottest possible choices to Einstein's conception of gravitation. This ebook presents a transparent and concise creation to the theoretical rules and advancements, exploring scalar fields and putting them in context with a dialogue of Brans-Dicke conception. issues coated contain the cosmological consistent challenge, time variability of coupling constants, greater dimensional space-time, branes and conformal changes. The authors emphasize the actual functions of the scalar-tensor concept and hence offer a pedagogical evaluation of the topic, holding extra mathematically special sections for the appendices. This ebook is appropriate for graduate classes in cosmology, gravitation and relativity. it is going to additionally supply a worthwhile reference for researchers.

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The Scalar-Tensor Theory of Gravitation (Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics) by Yasunori Fujii,Kei-ichi Maeda

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