By Dermot Healy

ISBN-10: 1852356413

ISBN-13: 9781852356415

Sorrow by no means travels
far from home.

Dermot Healy’s dying in the summertime of 2014 reverberated deeply and much. but for the entire admiration his paintings gathered he suffered whatever of the destiny of these who abound in skills. was once he a poet? A novelist? a narrative author? A memoirist? A playwright? He was once these kind of — and more.

When Seamus Heaney was once enhancing Soundings (1974) Dermot Healy ‘sent a pile of fabric that used to be sprouting expertise in all instructions . . . he used to be the exception’. 4 books of poems have already touched and tickled readers in excellent methods. like any his writing they're marked via perception, empathy and wit. traditional acts and exchanges develop into luminous, even transcendent.

The Travels of Sorrow is a providence, the final present of a compelling, unique and charismatic artist.

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The Travels of Sorrow by Dermot Healy

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