By Barbara N. McLennan

ISBN-10: 0998087300

ISBN-13: 9780998087306

The Wealth of Jamestown follows the advance of a brand new humans and the beginning of a country. William Roscoe, a tender Virginia planter and sheriff of Yorktown and Gloucester, and Sarah Harrison, seventeen-year-old daughter of 1 of Virginia’s wealthiest planters, are in love and engaged to be married. yet Sarah’s father, Benjamin Harrison II, forces Sarah to wreck the engagement and marry James Blair, lobbyist, church bureaucrat and Commissary of the Church of britain, with connections to the Board of exchange in England. Sarah keeps her dowry and wealth, and whereas Blair is going to England to foyer for a school of which he’d be President, she maintains her dating with William. Sarah and William purchase crusing ships, and William starts off alternate with pirates within the new urban of Charles Towne. With King William’s struggle with France complete, trade and alternate open up and Virginia planters turn into very wealthy---William turns into a member of the home of Burgesses. yet Blair returns, reclaiming his prestige and looking energy over all of Virginia.


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The Wealth of Jamestown by Barbara N. McLennan

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