By Anjana Raghavan

ISBN-10: 178348795X

ISBN-13: 9781783487950

An articulation of any form of worldwide realizing of belonging, or methods of cosmopolitan lifestyles, calls for a relentless engagement with vulnerability, specifically in an international that's so deeply wounded by means of subjugation, colonialisms and genocides. And but dialogue of the physique, impact and corporeal politics from the margins are radically absent from modern liberal and Kantian versions of cosmopolitan notion.

This booklet explores the ways that current narratives of cosmopolitanism are usually organised round ecu and American discourses of human rights and universalism, which enable little room for the articulation of an affective, embodied and subaltern politics. It brings modern understandings of cosmopolitan solidarities into discussion with the physique, impact and the continual spectre of colonial distinction. Race, ethnicity, sexuality and gender are all vitally important to those articulations of cosmopolitan property, and we won't rather communicate of groups with no conversing of embodiment and emotion.

This textual content envisions new methods of articulating and conceptualising ‘corporeal cosmopolitanism’ that are neither limited to a basically postcolonial paradigm, nor subjugated by means of ecu colonialism and modernity. It demanding situations the certainty of liberal cosmopolitan solidarities utilizing decolonial, and feminist performances of unity as radical compassion, resistance, and love.

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Towards Corporeal Cosmopolitanism: Performing Decolonial Solidarities by Anjana Raghavan

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