By Inderpal Grewal

ISBN-10: 0822335328

ISBN-13: 9780822335320

ISBN-10: 0822335441

ISBN-13: 9780822335443

In Transnational America, Inderpal Grewal examines how the flow of individuals, items, social activities, and rights discourses through the Nineteen Nineties created transnational topics formed via an international American tradition. instead of easily body the U.S. as an imperialist countryside that imposes unilateral political energy on the planet, Grewal analyzes how the concept that of “America” capabilities as a nationalist discourse past the bounds of the U.S. by means of disseminating a fantastic of democratic citizenship via customer practices. She develops her argument through targeting South Asians in India and the United States.

Grewal combines a postcolonial standpoint with social and cultural idea to argue that modern notions of gender, race, classification, and nationality are associated with previous histories of colonization. via an research of Mattel’s revenues of Barbie dolls in India, she discusses the intake of yankee items through middle-class Indian girls newly empowered with monetary ability created by way of India’s marketplace liberalization. contemplating the destiny of asylum-seekers, Grewal appears to be like at how a world feminism within which woman refugees are figured as human rights sufferers emerged from a exceptionally Western viewpoint. She unearths within the paintings of 3 novelists who emigrated from India to the United States—Bharati Mukherjee, Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, and Amitav Ghosh—a notion of Americanness associated with cosmopolitanism. In Transnational America Grewal makes a robust, nuanced case that the U.S. has to be understood—and studied—as a dynamic entity produced and remodeled either inside and much past its territorial boundaries.

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Transnational America: Feminisms, Diasporas, Neoliberalisms (Next Wave: New Directions in Women's Studies) by Inderpal Grewal

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