By Fabrizio Panebianco,Emanuele Serrelli

ISBN-10: 3319243470

ISBN-13: 9783319243474

This quantity constitutes a primary step in the direction of an ever-deferred interdisciplinary discussion on cultural features. It deals the way to input a consultant pattern of the highbrow range that surrounds this subject, and a way to stimulate leading edge avenues of analysis. It stimulates severe pondering and expertise within the disciplines that have to conceptualize and examine tradition, cultural features, and cultural range.   tradition is frequently outlined and studied with an emphasis on cultural good points. For UNESCO, “culture might be considered as the set of particular religious, fabric, highbrow and emotional gains of society or a social group”. however the very hazard of assuming the lifestyles of cultural features isn't granted, and any critical assessment of the inspiration of “cultural trait” calls for the interrogation of numerous disciplines from cultural anthropology to linguistics, from psychology to sociology to musicology, and all components of information on tradition. This ebook offers a powerful multidisciplinary viewpoint which may support make clear the issues approximately cultural traits.

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Understanding Cultural Traits: A Multidisciplinary Perspective on Cultural Diversity by Fabrizio Panebianco,Emanuele Serrelli

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