By Pankaj Ghemawat

ISBN-10: 142213864X

ISBN-13: 9781422138649

ISBN-10: 1596596325

ISBN-13: 9781596596320

Since the monetary predicament of 2008, many people have needed to reexamine our ideals approximately markets and globalization. How built-in should still economies relatively be? How a lot law is right?

Many humans fuse those dimensions of selection into one, both favoring either globalization and deregulation—or opposing either one of them.

It doesn’t need to be that way.

In World 3.0, award-winning writer and economist Pankaj Ghemawat finds the folly in either one of those responses. He demands a 3rd worldview—one within which either legislation and cross-border integration coexist and supplement one another.

Ghemawat starts off through exposing universal assumptions approximately globalization to demanding facts, proving that the area isn't really approximately as globalized as we expect. And he explains why the capability earnings from additional integration are a lot greater than even professional globalizers are inclined to think.

He then tackles marketplace mess ups and fears—job losses, environmental degradation, macroeconomic volatility, and alternate and capital imbalances—that rivals of globalization usually invoke. Drawing on compelling facts, he indicates that elevated globalization can truly alleviate a few of these difficulties.

Finally, Ghemawat describes how quite a lot of players—businesses, coverage makers, voters, media—can aid open up flows of rules, humans, and items throughout borders, yet in ways in which maximize the advantages and reduce the capability uncomfortable side effects.

World 3.0 dispels powerfully entrenched—but incorrect—assumptions approximately globalization. Provocative and impressive, this new publication explains how humans worldwide can safe their collective prosperity via new ways to cross-border integration. Ghemawat’s pondering will shock and flow you—no topic the place you stand on globalization.

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World 3.0: Global Prosperity and How to Achieve It by Pankaj Ghemawat

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