By Felix Schlenk

ISBN-10: 3110178761

ISBN-13: 9783110178760

Symplectic geometry is the geometry underlying Hamiltonian dynamics, and symplectic mappings come up as time-1-maps of Hamiltonian flows. The remarkable tension phenomena for symplectic mappings found within the final 20 years convey that sure issues cannot be performed through a symplectic mapping. for example, Gromov's well-known "non-squeezing'' theorem states that one can't map a ball right into a thinner cylinder by way of a symplectic embedding. the purpose of this booklet is to teach that sure different issues can be performed via symplectic mappings. this is often accomplished via a variety of straight forward and particular symplectic embedding buildings, comparable to "folding", "wrapping'', and "lifting''. those structures are performed intimately and are used to unravel a few particular symplectic embedding difficulties.

The exposition is self-contained and addressed to scholars and researchers attracted to geometry or dynamics.

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Embedding Problems in Symplectic Geometry (De Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics) by Felix Schlenk

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